Dr. Richard Pimentel’s
Key Topics for Keynote speeches
Leadership in Times of Constant Change and Crisis [Keynote and Workshop]
Make Work Not Just a Place to Be, But THE Place to Be [Keynote and Workshop]
The Music Within [Keynote]
Making a Difference [Keynote]
Veterans Day – The Government Can Bring Them Back, But We Can Bring Them Home [Keynote]
Windmills: Changing the Perception of Ability [Keynote]
Windmills: Changing the Perception of Ability - Hiring and Retaining People with Disabilities [Workshop and Train the Trainer]
The Importance of Disability Inclusion for Increasing Productivity and Performance [Keynote]
Understanding the Value of Disability Advocacy [Workshop]
My Superhero - Self-esteem and Self-advocacy for Students in Transition [Workshop and Train the Trainer]
Innovative Return to Work Strategies [Keynote and Workshop]
Integrated Benefits/Absence Management [Keynote and Workshop]
Emotional Ergonomics [Keynote and Workshop]
TAKING CONTROL - Disability Management in the Challenging World of Hiring, Retention and Litigious Environment of Today [Keynote and Workshop]
The Art of Disclosing Your Disability in an Interview [Keynote and Workshop]
Developing the New Employee [Keynote and Workshop]